About Canuck Bucks

Founded by a 14th generation Canadian, I feel strongly about supporting local, regional, and national businesses especially in light of our former friend to the south waging economic war against our amazing country.

If you are able, support locally sourced products in your area.

If too expensive or too difficult to access, support Canadian-owned businesses, Products of Canada (aka 98% or more Canadian), and Made in Canada (>51% Canadian). An example of Canadian products at a Canadian store is Marché maple syrup at Giant Tiger.

If this is not possible, try to buy products in this order:

  • Canadian Products in non-American Stores (E.g., Canadian-grown Carrots at Foody Mart) or Non-American Products in Canadian Stores (E.g. Mexican La Costeña beans at London Drugs)
  • Non-American Products in Non-American Stores (E.g., Bosa Foods [Italian] and buying Italian pasta)
  • Canadian Products in American Stores (e.g., Canadian Ambrosia apples at Walmart)
  • Non-American Products in American Stores (E.g. Costa Rican coffee on Amazon)

Stand True to our North that is Strong and Free.